Was Mike Pence Forced to Suspend His Campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024

Was Mike Pence Forced to Suspend His Campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024 | Here is the truth

When it comes to the US Presidential Election 2024, a new controversy unwavers every day. This time, it is about one of the pillars of the former President’s government Mike Pence. He has been one of the most notable figures from the last regime being the vice president. He is known for his stand on creating a political think tank, support for homeless people, and a strong supporter of government pensions. Among many controversies, people are confused – was Mike Pence forced to suspend his campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024.

Unlike his last position, he decided to run as a Presidential Candidate rather than being a second seat holder of the ruling party. Hence, he decided to go against Donald Trump by proving his promising relationship with his followers and with the Trump-dissatisfied citizens. Mike Pence waived off the flag for the candidacy a few months ago but it could not continue for long. 

Read the article to know why Mike Pence revoked his own candidacy for the US Presidential Election 2024. There is a lot of confusion and skepticism among the supporters who believe that he was forced to withdraw from the presidential race. But the real question here is whether the news is correct or to what extent it make sense? 

Was Mike Pence Forced to Suspend His Campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024?

Was Mike Pence Forced to Suspend His Campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024

No, Mike Pence was not forced to suspend his campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024. He made the decision voluntarily, citing his low poll numbers and the changing direction of the Republican Party. He made an announcement about his withdrawal from the US Presidential Election 2024 on October 28, 2023. in Las Vegas. He believed that his bid was not likely to succeed because of low poll figures, financial complications, and Trump’s dominance in the elections. However, in the same announcement above, he praised Donald Trump for his work as a President. 

Why did Mike Pence lose Traction?

Mike Pence

Mike Pence lost traction in the Republican Party for a number of reasons, including:

  • He was too loyal to Trump for some and too disloyal for others.
  • He faced strong competition from other Republican candidates with higher popularity and visibility.
  • He lacked a clear vision and message for his campaign and the country.
  • He had a mixed record as vice president and governor of Indiana, where he faced controversies over his policies and actions.

Simultaneously, a noticeable dip in public support, particularly among key demographics, posed a significant challenge. The changing dynamics of the political landscape, marked by the emergence of new contenders and evolving priorities, added further complexity. Faced with these multifaceted challenges, Pence made the decision to step back and reassess his political trajectory.

Which Political Party does Mike Pence represent?

Mike Pence

Former President Mike Pence is associated with the Republican Party. Throughout his political career, Pence has been a prominent figure within the Republican ranks. He served as the Vice President of the United States under President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021. Before his vice-presidential tenure, Pence was the governor of Indiana, where he implemented conservative policies and advocated for Republican principles. His alignment with the Republican Party is evident in his political positions, policy stances, and party affiliations.

What did Mike Pence Say in his Recent Speech?

Mike Pence

Mike Pence suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on October 28, 2023, after struggling to gain traction in the polls and raise money.

In his speech, Pence said that he had decided to suspend his campaign after “much prayer and deliberation.” He said that he had come to the conclusion that “this is not my time.”

Pence thanked his supporters and said that he would continue to fight for the conservative values that he believes in.

How did Mike Pence Raise funds?

Mike Pence

Politicians mostly have similar sources to fund their political campaigns mostly through self-contributions. Likewise, Mike Pence employed various strategies to raise funds for his (former) run for the US Presidential Election 2024 including:

  • Individual Contributions: Mike Pence appealed to individual supporters for donations through his campaign website, email campaigns, and direct mail solicitations. He also held fundraising events across the country, targeting potential donors with high net worth.
  • Political Action Committees (PACs): Pence actively sought support from PACs, organizations that can collect and spend unlimited funds to influence elections. He met with PAC representatives, attended PAC events, and tailored his messaging to align with their specific policy interests.
  • Super PAC Support: Pence benefited from the support of a super PAC called “Committed to America,” which could raise unlimited funds from wealthy donors and spend them independently to promote his candidacy. The super PAC engaged in voter outreach, ran television ads, and organized grassroots activities.
  • Online Fundraising Platforms: Pence utilized online fundraising platforms like ActBlue and WinRed to collect donations from supporters across the country. These platforms provided a convenient and efficient way for individuals to contribute to his campaign.
  • Campaign Merchandise Sales: Pence’s campaign sold merchandise, such as hats, t-shirts, and mugs, to generate additional revenue. This allowed supporters to show their support while also contributing to the campaign’s financial resources.

What is Mike Pence’s approval rating?

Mike Pence

Mike Pence’s approval rating has varied over time, generally remaining lower than that of other former vice presidents. A YouGov poll conducted in September 2023 revealed that 33% of respondents held a favorable opinion of Pence, while 50% expressed an unfavorable view. Among Republican voters, Pence’s approval rating was more favorable, with 48% holding a positive view and 35% holding a negative one.

Several factors likely influence Pence’s approval rating, including his tenure as vice president under Donald Trump, his conservative social views, and his actions during the January 6th Capitol riot. Some polls indicate that Pence’s approval rating is lower among younger voters and women.

Here’s a table summarizing Pence’s approval ratings from various sources:

YouGovSeptember 202333%50%-17%
FiveThirtyEightOctober 202336.1%52.2%-16.1%
RealClearPoliticsOctober 202336.3%51.5%-15.2%

Who Supported Mike Pence on the Stage?

Mike Pence

As Mike Pence went on to declare his withdrawal from the US Presidential Elections 2024, his wife Karen stood along him and supported him in this decision. Mike said “I, and my wife are pretty full and satisfied with what we have at this moment.” Karen has explicitly shown her support for Mike Pence in the past elections, during his vice-presidentship as well as during the recent speech.

Where does Mike Pence go from here?

Mike Pence

Commentators believe that Mike Pence is hardly likely to follow his counterpart’s (Donal Trump) instructions in the future and was not willing to hold the second position of being a vice-president under him. Although, he has not vocalized his thoughts of setting himself apart from Trump or disagreements with him, it is clear that he has ignored Trump’s interest of working with him again.

More importantly, Pence has “already provided evidence” for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s various investigations against Donald Trump but with certain limits. This is a testament of Pence’s long run agenda of making sure that he does not loses his positive image but only at the cost of displacing the former president. 

Since his speech, Pence mostly focused on the release of his next book “Go Home for Dinner,” on November 14th. The second release scheduled in a row will be “how faith makes a family and family makes a life” which is surprisingly co-authored by his daughter Charlotte. Pence is likely to continue advocating politics through his (owned) think tank Advancing American Freedom.

What is Mike Pence’s Net Worth?

Was Mike Pence Forced to Suspend His Campaign for the US Presidential Election 2024 | Here is the truth

Mike Pence’s current estimated net worth is approximately $4 million. This figure has increased considerably since his departure from office in 2021, when his net worth was estimated to be around $1 million.

Pence’s financial growth can be attributed to several factors, including:

Book deals: Pence has authored two books since leaving office: “So Help Me God” and “Go Home for Dinner.” Both books have achieved bestseller status, and Pence is reported to have earned $1.3 million of dollars from advances only..

Speaking engagements: Pence is a sought-after speaker on the conservative circuit, reportedly charging between $50,000 and $100,000 per engagement. Between Jan to June 202, he earned $3.4 million in return for delivering paid speeches to different groups, an international peace organization, along an oil and gas group.

Consulting work: Pence has also engaged in consulting work since leaving office, reportedly earning several hundred thousand dollars annually from this venture.

Investments: Pence has made wise investments, resulting in the growth of his portfolio since leaving office. He has a couple of blue-chip stocks in his investments including Apple, Chevron, etc. 

Pension: Last but not least, Pence is eligible for the state pension which is a 40% portion of his former salary of $112,000. Cherry on the cake here is that he is going to receive it for his entire lifetime. 

In addition to his income, Pence possesses a number of assets, including a residence in Indiana valued at around $1.9 million. Overall, Mike Pence is a man of considerable wealth, and his net worth is likely to continue to increase in the coming years.

The Bottom Line

Followers of Mike Pence were pretty apprehensive of his electoral run for the US Presidential Election 2024 however, he disappointed them with an announcement of his withdrawal. While the audience may require some time to digest the news, Mike Pence surely has bigger plans for his future. 

His pull-back strategy can be seen as gathering momentum for his book launches and pose his responsible and family man image to the crowd. But for how long, is the question. If you have any comments, feel free to drop them in.

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